Listening to your needs.
Redeploying talent.


Surplus personnel, clerical staff, managers and executives: we use individual outplacement for staff redeployment. This is an active service that complies with the standards of the Italian Outplacement Association (AISO) and the Ministry for Employment and Social Policy, and is offered by companies in cases where contract terminations are inevitable.
The company matches personnel with a consultant who will put in place a personalised 3-step re-employment programme:

  1. Professional check and skills assessment . Skills, attitudes and areas for improvement: these are the crucial aspects of a candidate that emerge from the initial systematic checkup. The consultant can provide employees with valuable support in presenting themselves on the job market.
  2. Choice of objectives and strategy. After the initial assessment, the consultant will work alongside the candidate to set his or her professional and personal objectives, drawing up a marketing strategy and identifying the best tools to use in step 3.
  3. Operational research . The candidate will implement the recruitment strategy and consolidate what he or she has learned: how to use networks and databases, email marketing and interview techniques. The results will be monitored and improved as necessary, until a new job is found.

Telephone: 0444 526125

What we look at,
when recruiting.

  • Job analysis and advice on putting together the required profiles
  • Recruitment and selection of qualified personnel and high potential young talent
  • Head Hunting
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Instantly recognising
people’s value.

  • Individual and group assessment centres
  • Aptitude and skills testing
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Meeting the challenges
of every career path.

  • Career advice: professional redeployment for individuals (clerical staff, managers and executives)
  • Coaching and retraining
  • Assistance in drafting CVs and cover letters
  • Interview training
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